Welcome New Members!

Saint Peter’s strives to be an open and inclusive church for all who wish to be in community together, and with Christ. It was a particular joy to receive thirteen new members on Sunday, June 11.

To see how these efforts are received by new people encountering Saint Peter’s for the first time, at different stages in their growth, both personally and spiritually, is always an exciting discovery. Below we share with you the story of two of our new members, Kevin and Alex, and their journey together to Saint Peter’s!


For those entering new phases of life, in particular, the need for a spiritual community can arise. For Kevin and Alex, new members of Saint Peter’s, the community focus and spiritual openness of Saint Peter’s piqued their interest.

“A few years ago I was studying at Hunter College,” Kevin said. “I would go to the library every Sunday for several hours and come down to the Jazz Vespers, which was a nice, centering experience at the end of the week.”

Kevin continued to attend Saint Peter’s weekly Jazz Vespers, struck by the lovely community it fostered. He continued to become more involved in Saint Peter’s while still incorporating his love for music, joining the choir this past year.

“It’s been really lovely to be in community here,” Kevin said.

When Alex started dating Kevin, Alex hadn’t been to church for 15 years.

“I grew up in the Methodist Church. The community there I really liked a lot, it was a very progressive church. I didn’t feel like I was in a very judgmental atmosphere, specifically the one I grew up in.”

As is common with many young adult Christians, Alex fell out of attending church. It wasn’t until they visited Saint Peter’s with Kevin for the Great Vigil of Easter that they restarted their relationship to the church.

“When I started coming here… it felt like the same safe community all over again, so I kept coming back. It felt good to feel that again, and feel this resurgence of spirituality in my life,” Alex said.

This is Kevin and Alex’s first time deciding to become members in a church, continuing their spiritual journey as young adults. For the two of them, it is an even more exciting development as they begin their life together— Kevin and Alex are getting married next Fall at Saint Peter’s!

Want to share your story of how you found Saint Peter’s? We would love to hear from you! We continue to pray for the guidance and strength of our new members, and rejoice in the vitality of our community.

Congratulations Kevin and Alex!

And welcome to all of our new members:

Nicole Bleier

Maggy Cardenas

Giovanni Carte

Emilie Frangione

Alex Jung

Walter Mendoza

Monica Orellana

Kevin Ritter

Maria Rodas

Eduardo Sanchez

Lionel Thomas

Rudy Tauscher

Saint Peters